Welcome to our compassionate community of care in Ballarat. It is our belief that everyone should have access to nutritious food and we are committed to ensuring that our community members who need assistance receive it with dignity and respect. We partner with a variety of organisations to make sure no one goes hungry.
Ask Izzy Food Map
Anglicare Victoria,
Diocesan Centre,
49 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat Central
Every week day morning. 8.30-10 AM.
Wheelchair accessible
Ballarat Community Breakfast A community breakfast is provided as emergency relief
Eligibility: Located in Ballarat local government area
Morning Tea and Lunch
102 Eureka Street, Ballarat
Monday – Friday 10.00AM - 1.30PM
Gold coin donation
Cafe-style food program offering soup, toasties, salad rolls, cake, scones and barista hot beverages.
Eligibility - members of the Ballarat local government area, who are homeless or under threat of homelessness, those who are socially isolated, and experiencing financial difficulty. Referred by
Self or agency.
Ballarat City Senior Citizens,
16 Little Bridge Street
Ballarat VIC
Monday - Friday
11:45 AM–12:30 PM
A daily community lunch provides social opportunities for members of the Senior Citizens' Centre.
Eligibility: Located in Ballarat and district & member of the Senior Citizens' Centre.
105 Dana Street Ballarat
Everyday 11:30 AM-1PM
Free hot meal or take away lunch is available for individuals who are marginalised, homeless,
living in insecure housing or who have no cooking facilities.
Eligibility: Located in Ballarat, Daylesford and Bacchus Marsh.
Wendouree Neighbourhood Centre
Holly Grove
Tuesday 9:30 AM- 2PM
The group cooks meals which are then frozen and sold, providing emergency relief for individuals
and families experiencing disadvantage and for local community members.
Eligibility Located in Ballarat local government area. Individuals and families experiencing
disadvantage and local community members.
104-106 Albert Street Sebastopol
Wednesday’s 12:00 PM
Shared lunch for the local community following the Craft Morning session.
No information about eligibility or cost
Meals for Change
For people aged 15 to 25 years old, for affordable meals in local cafes.
0407 814 126 (Jen)
Evening meal
Parked in front of Cameron Welding & Industrial Supplies
124 Armstrong Street,
South Ballarat.
Monday- Thursday
7:30 PM–9:00 PM or
7 – 8.30 PM
Sunday 5:30 PM–7:30 PM
Provides: free hot soup as an evening meal. Eligibility Located in Ballarat local government area.
Referred Self or agency People who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or otherwise in need.
Food aid
Wendouree Neighbourhood Centre, Holly Grove
Aid includes free food parcels of non-perishable pantry items.
Eligibility Located in Ballarat local government area. Individuals and families experiencing
Food aid
102 Eureka Street, Ballarat
Emergency relief of bread, and fruit/vegetables for individuals & families experiencing
305 Ripon St South, Ballarat
Always Open. Collect or drop-off fruit, vegetables and herbs.
17 Dawson Street Nth Ballarat Central.
Friday Food Bank
1:30 - 2:00pm
Hampers available
Register to receive help 5331 5957 for an appointment.
Ballarat Community Garden 45 Dyte Parade, Ballarat,
Ballarat North Neighbourhood House Community Garden,
6 Crompton St,
Soldiers Hill
Buninyong Community Garden
Delacombe Community Garden
16 Nandiriog Drive, Delacombe
Lucas Community Garden
160 Eleanor Dr, Lucas,
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